Abstract—The article aims to discuss the relation between sustainability and its impact on the labor market, especially on the work processes. Sustainable development is a holistic concept in which the economic, the social and the environment are in an inextricable connection. Due to these reasons on sustainability, a variety of views were issued. However all the debates have a common divisor: sustainability - technology connexion. From the technology point of view, our century should be the luckiest from humans’ history: it gains from a technology that conserves natural resources and energy, with high productivity and high efficiency that is environmentally friendly and more equitable in its impact globally. Unfortunately, it still has a major vulnerability: the new technology doesn’t by itself solve the sustainability issues of the Earthlings and Earth. And the way of managing the benefits associated with computer technology, leaves gaps too wide to disseminate risk and hazard, on the macro-social and individual levels. We are at the beginning of ‘The Hybrid Age’ in which the new socio-technical era is unfolding as technologies merge with each other and humans merge with technology. Current technology's true impact isn't just physical or economic, but social and psychological as well. The article (i) analyzes some of the technological consequence on the formal work dynamics and, (ii) proposes some subjects of reflection on the most neglected aspects of the ‘sustainability”.
Index Terms—Sustainability, technology, organization, flexi work.
Aurica Briscaru is with Petre Andrei University, Romania (email: aurabriscaru@yahoo.com).
Cite: Aura Brișcaru, "About Technological Sustainability and Perishability of Work Models,"
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 380-383, 2012.