Prof. Paul Sudnik
Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Under my editorship the International Journal of Social Science and Humanity will be centered around the idea of new and emerging IT advancements geared towards finding solutions in tackling the problems and challenges that we face in the 21st century.
Abstract—The focused objective of this work is to compare cognitive creativity with trait creativity in relationship with academic achievement. The development relating to creativity concerns the mental creativity as the influential factor in academic achievement while recent findings highlight the priority of personality creativity and emotional creativity in this link. This interpretation is based on the results of researches done in these areas of study. Despite the current attitude, mental dimension of creativity contributes to academic achievement as a more significant factor than its non- mental aspect. Concentration on trait and cognitive creativity affects educational system as the means for presenting and fostering creativity and innovation. Moreover, this trend influences the contemporary insight to creativity and its prerequisites not only in higher education but also in all levels of educational system.
Index Terms—Academic achievement, cognitive creativity, higher education, and trait creativity
Mahnaz Kaboodi is with University Teknologi of Malaysia (UTM),Malaysia (e-mail:
Cite: Mahnaz Kaboodi and Yeo Kee Jiar, "Cognitive and Trait Creativity in Relation with Academic Achievement," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 391-395, 2012.
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