
Prof. Paul Sudnik

Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany

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Home > Archive > 2012 > Volume 2 Number 2 (Mar. 2012)
IJSSH 2012 Vol.2(2): 99-104 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2012.V2.76

A Survey on Relationship between Re-arrestment, Labeling, Deviant Identity and Social Exclusion in Tabriz Prison, Iran

Jabbar Bagheri, Ali Esmaily, and Mahmood Baratvand

Abstract—Crime and social deviancies are dilemma in all over the world. Evidences showed that having a previous experience of imprisonment led to more involvement in legal problems. This study aimed to determine the relationship between labeling, deviant identity and social exclusion with rearrestment as the most objective index of to be involved in committing crime. Sample included all prisoners in the Tabriz prisons, 180 people. To assess the indexes a self construct questionnaire with three subscales and 30 items designed and the variables measured. Validity and reliability coefficients of the scale were reported as a part of test-making process. Re-arrestment information was achieved from the judiciary system records which as a part of legal procedure recorded. The gathered data were analysed with Pearson correlation and other central tendency indexes. Results showed a robust relationship between re-arrestment and the other variables. These findings indicated the importance of labeling, social learning, social identity and differential association theories to explain consequences of imprisonment for people.

Index Terms—Re-arrestment, labeling, deviant identity, social exclusion.

M. Baratvand is an independent researcher who works at the centre for education and research of Islamic republic of Iran’s prisons’ organization partially. (e-mail: m.baratavnd1965@ gmail.com )
A. Esmaili and H. Safari are with the centre for education and research of Islamic republic of Iran’s prisons’ organization (e-mail: ali_esmaily2003@yahoo.com; H. Safari @yahoo.com).


Cite: Jabbar Bagheri, Ali Esmaily, and Mahmood Baratvand, "A Survey on Relationship between Re-arrestment, Labeling, Deviant Identity and Social Exclusion in Tabriz Prison, Iran," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 99-104, 2012.

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