
Prof. Paul Sudnik

Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany

As the Editor-in-Chief of IJSSH, I invite you to contribute your scholarly work to our esteemed publication. The journal publishes papers which focus on the advanced researches in the field of all aspects of social science and humanity. I'll endeavour to make this journal grow better and hopefully it will become a recognized journal among researchers and scholars in related fields.

Home > Archive > 2012 > Volume 2 Number 2 (Mar. 2012)
IJSSH 2012 Vol.2(2): 156-158 ISSN:2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2012.V2.87

Thai Women, Cross — Cultural Marriage and Sexuality

Orathai Piayura

Abstract—This article is a part of my research entitled Farang’s Thai Wives in London 1 . It studies the lives of Thai women married to English men in London. The study investigates how these women adjust themselves to cultural differences, problems they encounter, their attitudes towards cross-cultural marriage as well as their sexuality. The research spans ten in-depth interviews with Thai women. The research shows that all of the informants are submissive and face problems due to cultural gaps. Eight informants have to make their own money to send back to Thailand. Five informants face domestic violence, which caused their marriages to fail. However, none of them regret marrying English men or missed Thai men. According to this research, marrying English men was found to be preferable to marrying Thai men due to better sexuality and living standard.

Index Terms—Cross-cultural marriage, Thai women, sexuality.

Orathai Piayura is with Thai Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Muang, KhonKaen, 40000, Thailand.(e-mail.orapan@kku.ac.th)


Cite: Orathai Piayura, "Thai Women, Cross — Cultural Marriage and Sexuality," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 156-158, 2012.


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