
Prof. Paul Sudnik

Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany

As the Editor-in-Chief of IJSSH, I invite you to contribute your scholarly work to our esteemed publication. The journal publishes papers which focus on the advanced researches in the field of all aspects of social science and humanity. I'll endeavour to make this journal grow better and hopefully it will become a recognized journal among researchers and scholars in related fields.

Home > Archive > 2012 > Volume 2 Number 1 (Jan. 2012)
IJSSH 2012 Vol.2(1): 65-69 ISSN:2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2012.V2.70

Workplace Empowerment and Commitment: An Empirical Study

Preeti S. Rawat

Abstract—Relationship between psychological empowerment and organization commitment was empirically studied. Empowerment is granting power or enabling people to exercise power. Organizational commitment is understood as individual’s identification with and involvement in the organization. The study was conducted on employees from the service industry. Results showed that psychological empowerment led to commitment at workplace.

Index Terms—Psychological empowerment, organizational commitment, continuance, normative, affective.

Preeti S. Rawat is with K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Vidya Vihar, Mumbai, 400077, India
(+91-22-67283016, +91-9820095599; fax: +91-22-21027219; e-mail: preetirawat@simsr.somaiya.edu).


Cite: Preeti S. Rawat, "Workplace Empowerment and Commitment: An Empirical Study," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 65-69, 2012.


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