
Prof. Paul Sudnik

Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany

As the Editor-in-Chief of IJSSH, I invite you to contribute your scholarly work to our esteemed publication. The journal publishes papers which focus on the advanced researches in the field of all aspects of social science and humanity. I'll endeavour to make this journal grow better and hopefully it will become a recognized journal among researchers and scholars in related fields.

Home > Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope

IJSSH is an open access journal which focuses on publishing original and peer reviewed research papers on all aspects of social science and humanity. And the topics include but not limited to:

Administrative Sciences
Applied Social Modeling and Simulation Area Studies (African, American, Asian, European, Hispanic, Islamic, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Russian, Women\'s and all other cultural and ethnic studies)
Behavioral and Psychological Sciences Business
Business Information Management
Business Information Systems
Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
Business, Finance and Tourism Management Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
Communication and Information Technologies in Social Sciences Communication, Communities and e-societies
Communities and Communications
Complex Socio-Cognitive-Technical Systems
Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences
Computation and Social Networks
Computational Methods in Social Science
Confluence of Social Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Complexity Country studies
Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies with International Relations
Data mining in Social Science
Digital Libraries, Archives and Repositories
Economics, Financial and Industrial Systems
Economics, Markets and Systems
Education and Information Technologies
Education Science and Technology
Educational Technology
Electoral Competition Energy Alternatives
Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development
Environmental studies E-Society and Online Communities
Ethical Issues and Challenges
Ethnic Studies/International Studies
Gender Studies
Geographic Information Systems
Geography and Geological Sciences
Health Issues and Services
Human and Social Evolutionary Complexity
Human Development based on psychological and social concepts
Human Rights Development
Human-Computer Interactions
Human-Environment Interactions

Information and Communication Systems
Innovation, Technology and Society
Interdisciplinary Research and Studies
International Relations & Collaborations
Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy
Land-Use Modeling Techniques and Applications
Law and Justice
Learning and Behavioral Modeling
Management Information Systems
Mathematical Modeling in Social Science
Media and Communications, Technology
Open Learning and Distance Education
Organizational Decision Making
Physics Methods for Analyzing Social Complexity
Policy/Public Administration/Public Health
Political Science and Decision Making
Politics, society, and international relations
Population and Development
Preservation and Green Urbanism
Public Administration
Public Governance
Social and Organizational Networks
Social Complexity
Social Computing
Social Network Analysis
Social Systems Dynamics
Social Work
Social-Psychological, Social, Organizational, and Technological Systems
Socio-Cognitive-Technological Systems
Sociology and Social Computation
Sport and Physical Education
Standards for Metadata, Ontologies, Annotation, Curation
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Economic Development
Sustainable Human and Social Development
Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods
Sustainable Urban Transport and Environment
Technology and Education
Technology, Society, Environmental Studies
Urban and Regional Planning
Urban Studies
Violence, Extremism, and Terrorism
Virtual Communities and Communications
Women’s studies

Copyright © 2008-2025. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity. All rights reserved.

E-mail: ijssh.editorial.office@gmail.com